Sunday, April 6, 2008


I chose to create a tutorial for United Streaming since it seems to be a difficult task for some teachers in my school. Just the other day one of my colleagues asked to show her how to use United Streaming. I've shown her numerous times and she still just can't get it. She asked me early last week to sit down with Friday during our workday. When the option of typing up a tutorial was suggested in class Monday night I jumped on the chance of creating directions that she could keep. I used the screen capture feature in Microsoft Word to include pictures of the computer screen and then inserted a circle around the part of the screen I was explaining. This was pretty easy and a very effective teaching tool. On Friday she followed the directions I gave her and spent all day finding videos. She was so excited that she continually called me into her room to watch segments of the facinating videos she found. I will definately use this in my classroom. I tried the video option in Jing last week in class and my computer went down. I decided that I would just use screen capture from now on. If anyone in our class successful figured out how to use Jing and upload the videos I would be interested in giving it another try. Click here to view my tutorial.

I gave the tutorials to two of my colleagues and they loved it. They found it extremely easy to follow and they haven't ask me for help with United Streaming since then.

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